No Bugles No Drums The story of indigenous soldiers in northern Australia in WW2

Manufacturing Dissent A documentary about the complicity of the media in the electoral strategy of Bjelke Petersen

The Wrong Crowd Inside the family, outside the Law

Tales from a suitcase Stories of immigration to Australia

The Dream Before Christine Johnston performing "The Dream Before" at a Women In Voice event at the Sitting Duck Cafe in Brisbane, Australia, in 1994

The Story Of the making of the Sons of Matthew by Charles and Elsa Chauvel

Quilpie - Lure of the Land Videos


Getting Around

Ever since the early days, bullocks, wagons and horse and buggy have played an important role in the transportation of those living in outback Queensland. Travel was often difficult and at times impossible, due to droughts, floods and the lack of roads.

Early Days

In the 1900s, the region was vastly different to the place you see today. With the arrival of the railway and the establishment of the town of Quilpie, the shire has prospered.


When the river overflow, entire properties and towns can be cut off for weeks at a time. While this may seem daunting, the presence of floods heralds the good season to follow.

Staying in Touch

The advent of the telephone did much to reduce the isolation of distant stations and towns. It wasn’t long before the manual exchange and the party line became not only a valuable lifeline but a great source of gossip!


In the early days, sports like boxing, tennis, and polo-crosse were a great source of entertainment in the district. All-horse complex at Bullo Park is a very popular venue for sporting activities. Swimming and water sports are also very popular pastimes.


Quilpie is famous for its Boulder opals, which are greatly sought after throughout the world.

Women of the West

Educating the children; managing the finances; acting as a doctor when accidents happen; doing heavy chores while the men work on remote areas of the property... women of the west have to be both resilient and resourceful.

Pioneer Families

Many white families settled in the Quilpie area. By surviving isolation, drought and floods - names like Durack, Costello, Pegler and Tully became synonymous with the pioneering spirit.

Quilpie – Lure of the Land

Credits & Special Thanks.